Student Profile

Student ID 2201597
Reg. No.
Roll 24
Section A
Group N/A
Shift Day
Category General
Date of Birth 2010-04-19
Religion Islam
Blood Group
Gender Male
Father's Name MD. DULAL MIA
Present Address
Permanent Address
Guardian Mobile
Email N/A

Subject List

SL. Subject Is Optional
1 Arts And Craft
2 P. Edu
3 Religious ( islam & hindu)
4 Agricul.
5 Science
6 B G S
8 Work and lives Education
9 Islam Stu.
10 Eng-2
11 Ban-2
12 Mathe.
13 Eng-1
14 Ban-1
15 Eng-1
16 Eng-2
17 Ban-2
18 Ban-1
19 Science
20 B G S
21 ICT
22 P. Edu
23 Work and lives Education
24 Arts And Craft
25 Histry & Social Science
26 Welbeing
27 Bangla
29 Digital Technology
30 Life and Livelihood
31 History and Social Science
32 Art and Culture
33 Science
34 Hindu
35 Digital Tecnology
36 English
37 Mathe.
38 Islam Stu.
39 Live & Lively Hood
40 Arts & Culture
41 Digital Tecnology
42 Live & Lively Hood
43 Digital Technology
44 Ban-1
45 Life and Livelihood
46 History and Social Science
47 Art and Culture
48 Welbeing
49 Ban-2
50 Religious ( islam & hindu)
51 Eng-1
52 Eng-2
53 ICT
54 B G S
55 P. Edu
56 Islam Stu.
57 Bangla
58 English
59 Mathe.
60 Work and lives Education
61 Science
62 Arts And Craft
63 Bangla
64 Digital Tecnology
65 Art and Culture
66 History and Social Science
67 Welbeing
68 Agricul.
69 H. Math
70 Biology
71 Life and Livelihood
72 English
73 Ban-1
74 Religious ( islam & hindu)
75 Ban-2
76 Eng-1
77 Eng-2
78 Mathe.
79 Islam Stu.
80 ICT
81 Science
82 B G S
83 Histry
84 Civics
85 Geogra.
86 P. Edu
87 C Edu.